Forest Arts Centre
Penny Simpson: Kitsch n’ Synch
11 January – 19 February 2025
Going Green, mixed media.
Conspicuous Consumption, mixed media.
Flying colours
A bit about the artist:
Drawing and painting all my life, I see some things and work out how to represent them in paint, collage or boxed assemblages.
My interest in bright colours, patterns and reusing ‘unconsidered trifles’ from beachcombing, pavement picking, toys from crackers, buttons, beads and bits has resulted in an eclectic array of artworks using a wide range of materials. Life boxes for significant others have proved particularly potent.
A parallel thread uses strongly coloured paint to render landscapes and pleasing plants in watercolour.
Sandy Williams: Journeys on Canvas
11 January – 19 February 2025
‘My exhibition ‘Journeys on Canvas’ shows a number of stages in my 25-year journey as an artist. You can see my evolution reflected in the style and character of the pieces and you will also see my ongoing identity and my stylistic changes, as an artist. Colour and energy and the feelings I associate with them are key drivers behind the development of each painting. My process reflects the intellectual and emotional discussion I engage in on the canvas and as a result my images often go through a significant metamorphosis during their creation’.
Hunter, oil on canvas
Renewal, oil on Canvas
Metamorphosis, oil on canvas.
A bit about the artist:
Sandy Williams is a Hampshire based artist working from her Lymington Studio. Her new exhibition ‘Journeys on Canvas’ displays a selection of her work over time.