Set around Carnaby Street in fashionable London, in the late 1960’s, we follow the life of young Dolly Sullivan, as she sets out to make her way in the world. Starting a new job in a fashion boutique on the street, she soon makes friends with the manager, Shane, and his group of friends at the Riviera Coffee House.
Shane and his boyfriend Charlie still face a lot of prejudice surrounding their homosexuality and this unfolds when Shane is attacked.
Dolly’s parents, Ted & Jeanie are typical of the era, as her father, has to make hard decisions in his job as a bank manager and how this affects the family.
Dolly soon meets Alfie, a young talented street busker, who falls in love with her, against his better judgement, but then gets head hunted by a band in Liverpool and leaves her behind to pursue his dreams.
The trials and tribulations of love and family is mixed with a stunning array of iconic British musical hits from the 1960s featuring the best of British popular music of the time, including The Beatles, The Who, Cilla Black, The Kinks, Petula Clarke and many more.
Tickets: £15
Please be advised this show contains themes of homophobia, including a slur.